iGap has always been, is and will be free. Create your own visual world right now on iGap.
nearby helps you find nearby iGap’s friend even if their phone numbers are not visible, and communicate quickly and securely
By using bank cards, you can charge your wallet and use it for services such as paying taxi fares, shopping from stores and more
iland is a land where you can access all of the native iGap services. All financial services, Inquiries and Payments, Special Discounts, Online Taxis, Practical Bots, etc. are features so that you don’t need any other apps.
On iGap in addition to chat and send photos, videos and files privately with your friends, you can build groups and channels.
iGap's voice and video calls with P2P technology are seamless and the call is safe and secure with high quality that is economically cost effective. These capabilities are also available for various operating systems including Windows, Mac and ...
iGap is available on all operating systems. Users on all Windows, Web, Android, Linux, Mac, and iPhone operating systems can easily work with the iGap and have easy-to-use features.
iGap is technically designed to accommodate 60 million users. Expandability is not limited to the number of users and includes software and hardware capabilities. This messenger can respond to rising demands.
online service and your security are guaranteed to be extremely stringent. Messages sent and received, whether in private chat or in groups, are encrypted end-to-end using advanced cryptographic algorithms to give users complete confidence in their privacy.
iGap is the first and only open-source messenger in Iran and the Middle East. Professionals and businesses can customize iGap to fit their needs and use it in their organizations and environments.
iGap provides you with unlimited cloud storage so you can store any files, images, videos in it and easily access it whenever you need it, and even send it to other users.